SBS To the Ends of the Earth (2020) Expires 1/12/2023) Watch this now!
GP, Emma Skowronski speaking outside Tamboran AGM in Sydney (11/2023)
Chris Packham: Is It Time to Break the Law? (20/9/2023)
Packham is TV naturalist and presenter who is pissed off that 57% of species have gone extinct in his lifetime and for all the fine words the world is getting hotter and dirtier. A brave video! Watch it. *****.
Dr. Louise Woodward: A Message from a Doctor (23/9/23)
Politics in the Pub NT: Gas. The Facts (24/10/23) Louise Woodward & Mark Ogge at the Railway Club
Australian Institute: The Government's Favour for the Fossil Fuel Industry (16/11/2023)
Market Forces: Walk With Us - Tell the banks to stop financing Santos (18/7/2023)
A new documentary tells the story of Gomeroi and Tiwi Islands Traditional Owners coming together to escalate the fight against Santos and its Narrabri and Barossa gas projects. This documentary makes it clear that your bank is complicit in Santos’ disregard for the rights of Traditional Owners.